Our Little Warrior Owen

This blog is dedicated to our little sunshine angel Owen. We named him Owen because it means little warrior and we knew he would have to be with two older brothers. He was our little sunshine and his heart stopped beating unexpectedly on his 5 month birthday. We are devastated by the loss of our little guy. Hopefully, this blog will give readers a sense of what a beautiful spirit he was, how he completed our family and will help to keep his memory alive. We hope this gives light into our grieving process and can help other families that suffer a similar tragic loss.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas Eve

Dear Owen,

Merry 4th Christmas.  I can't believe you are celebrating your fourth Christmas in the presence of the Lord.  What a beautiful and magical place to be.  

In church tonight we had a guest celebrant from another church.  He was young, only 31, and spoke from the heart.  He was so down to earth.  He said he knows church is boring but we have to keep coming, not for ourselves but for our God.  To thank him for all he has given us.  He then went on to discuss how we don't know why God does things, blesses us with people or takes loved ones away from us.  His ultimate point was that God loves us all and blesses us with so much and we should be thankful.

Oh Owen, I am so thankful for the time we spent with you.  If only I had known it was going to end. There is so much I have to share with you.  Tonight even though our priest's sermon was moving and full of hope and love, I was brought to tears many times tonight because my heart misses you.

The songs during Christmas mass always do it too me.  Silent night....I think of the first night I came home after loosing you, it was so quiet.  Though you were pretty much sleeping through the night, I wasn't woken with a happy giggle reminding me to feed you.  So many songs just made me wish you were here with me.  

Owen you are still and will always be a part of our family.  We all, including Reilly, miss you each and every day.  How I wish you were here tonight setting up the Santa trap with the boys and laying out the Christmas cookies for Santa.

Owen you are in the arms of Jesus and I can't wait to be with you one day.

We all love and miss you.  

Your one and only Mom