Our Little Warrior Owen

This blog is dedicated to our little sunshine angel Owen. We named him Owen because it means little warrior and we knew he would have to be with two older brothers. He was our little sunshine and his heart stopped beating unexpectedly on his 5 month birthday. We are devastated by the loss of our little guy. Hopefully, this blog will give readers a sense of what a beautiful spirit he was, how he completed our family and will help to keep his memory alive. We hope this gives light into our grieving process and can help other families that suffer a similar tragic loss.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Thank you

Dear Owen,

I am sure you have seen the outpouring of love and support our friends and family have shown us.  It has been amazing.  I don't even know how to begin to thank them. 

I know no one expects it at a time like this but maybe because I am a true southern girl at heart I feel like I have to make sure everyone is thanked for ALL they have done for our family over the past few months.

Owen, I know these entries are normally written to you, I am going to take this time to address all of those who have showed tremendous strength, support and love during the most difficult time in our lives.

First, to our family and friends who supported us and drove all night to be by our sides and care for us and our boys when this tradgedy struck.  Thank you.

To those of you who answered our early morning calls on July 12th and though shocked and saddened yourselves, took on the task of informing other family and friends of the awful news and communicating details on Owen's memorial.  Thank you.

To those of you who helped with every aspect of Owen's memorial, we are so grateful.  We could barely function and each of you took on the daunting task of planning a memorial for a 5 month old.  This is a task I hope no one ever has to do again but each of you did it with strength, love and everything turned out better than we could have ever imagined.  Thank you.

To those of you who traveled near and far to gather in Yardley as we celebrated Owen's short but sweet life.  We were so blessed to see all of you there, gathered in shock and grief but filled with neverending love.  There is no way we could have gotten through that day without each of you there.  Thank you.

To those of you who were unable to travel but shared your grief, support and love in other ways.  Your endless calls, texts, emails, cards, gifts, donations, and meals have made it easier for us to get through each day and continue to move forward.  Honestly, without these constant reinforcements knowing how much we are loved and supported, we probably would not have survived.

To those of you who have continued to show your love and thoughts months after Owen passed, I am forever grateful.  As the days go on, moving forward has become even more difficult as the shock begins to wear off and I realize that my sweet sweet angel has left this earth.  You give me the strength I need to get out of bed every morning.

To those of you have supported our two living children, we are so thankful.  Connor and Liam have so many people out there that love them and care for them.  We know we can call on many of you any hour of the day to take care of Connor and Liam and you have allowed Jim and I to have the time we need to ourselves to process this immense grief.  Connor and Liam know they are loved and though they ache for Owen, they continue to move forward with smiles on their faces.  Thank you.

Finally, I am sure I have missed something so I just want to thank all of you that understand when Jim and I drop the ball on things and don't thank  you for the amazing things you  have done.  Know that you are ALWAYS appreciated and every gesture is so helpful and supportive.  Just knowing we are thought of and loved helps take away a little bit of the neverending pain we have in our hearts.  Thank you.

I know this journey will never be over but we are comforted in knowing that we are not on this journey alone.  Though it breaks my heart to think of Owen taking his journey to heaven alone, I know that he is now there and he is loved.  He sees the love we have here on earth through all of you, our friends and family, and knows that we are ok. 

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.

Just have to look at pictures from your birth sometimes to make me smile.  I just loved your hair.  You were perfect.  You are perfect.


Owen, thanks for letting me share this with you as well as all our friends and family.  Thank you for gracing our lives, even though brief.  Thank you for being you.  You have changed our lives forever.

I miss you and love you. 

Your one and only Mom

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